A video from the 7th Faiz festival in Lahore went viral on the internet, in which well-known Indian poet, songwriter and screenwriter Javed Akhtar told how the terrorists behind the 2008 Mumbai attacks are "still free" in Pakistan. The statement enraged many Pakistani artists, while their peers from the neighboring country praised the Indian veteran.
Kangana actor Ranaut first shared a video on Twitter praising how Akhtar "attacked Pakistanis in their own country." In a short clip, the poet answered the audience's question. “You have been to Pakistan several times.When you come back, will you tell your people that (we) are good people?” A man Asked Akhtar a question in session . "Don't blame us. It will not solve the problem. We saw Bombay attacked.They (the terrorists) did not come from Norway or Egypt. You still move freely in your country. If these grievances are in the heart of an Indian, you shouldn't be offended," lamented Akhtar, adding that Pakistanis don't worship Indian artists like his country. Mehdi Hasan, but Lata Mangeshkar has never been performed in your country."
#mahwashajaz is not happy with Javed Akhtar's Anti Pakistan Remarks at Media talk in Lahore and we at Lollywood Film Industry are agree with her.
Resham respond to Javed Akhtar's Remarks against Pakistan on Faiz Festival
#resham #javedakhtar